Anker Research Institute

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Anker Research Institute discusses Anker Methodology and living wage agenda in workshop hosted by the Brazilian Ministry of Labour and DIEESE.

On 9 August 2024, ARI Senior Researcher Ian Prates and Senior Data Analyst Mel Veneroso presented the Anker Methodology and their recent studies in Brazil at a webinar hosted by The National Labor Market Observatory (ONMT).

The Anker Research Institute is honoured to have been hosted by The National Labor Market Observatory (ONMT), which is a collaboration between the Brazilian Ministry of Labor and Employment and the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (DIEESE). Ian Prates and Mel Veneroso presented the Anker Methodology and Sub-National Living Wage studies for 5 states in Brazil to over one hundred key players in the fields of labor market and labor policies from across the country. This is in accordance with ARI’s mission of fostering dialogue among stakeholders, promoting sound public policies, and advancing the living wage agenda.

The ONMT coordinates a network of labor observatories that operate at the sub-national level to collect data and produce knowledge to inform labor public policies in Brazil. The network includes policy advisors, technicians, and managers from public agencies, technicians from labor observatories, and researchers from universities and study centres. With the participation of different actors, the aim of the ONMT is to mobilize collective initiatives that can systematize content to guide decision-making on labor policies.

Watch the webinar here.