Sub-National Estimates Program
Sub-National Estimates are living wage and living income estimates for different regions across an entire country.
The estimates are consistent and comparable across locations and regions, as well as consistent and comparable with existing Anker living wage and living income benchmark estimates and national reference values.
What are Sub-National Estimates?
Sub-National Estimates are living wage and living income estimates for different regions across an entire country. It is the third step of the Anker Methodology Benchmark®, addressing Benchmarks’ and Reference Values’ limitation in dealing with country’s variation in living costs. The Subnational Estimates provides location-specific living wage and living income estimates across a given country, using secondary data analysis and Benchmarks as anchor points to validate results.
How is this done?
The Anker Benchmark living wage and living income estimates available for the country are the anchor/starting point. Then, a rigorous statistical analysis of Household Expenditure Surveys microdata is used to determine differences in living costs by region and location for a country. The resulting sub-national estimates are consistent and comparable across locations and regions, as well as consistent and comparable with existing Anker living wage and living income benchmark estimates and national reference values for other countries.
Will every country have sub-National Estimates?
We have first started with Brazil, and are currently working on extend the Anker Living Income and Living Wage Sub-National Estimates Methodology for many more countries.
To help fund this project please fill in the form here.
“The Anker Research Institute has been leading the field of living wage and living income for more than a decade and is well-known for providing solutions keeping the excellence of the Anker Methodology. The Subnational Estimates Methodology is one more step towards this direction and will allow us to have credible, reliable and fully comparable estimations worldwide”
The Anker Sub-National Estimates is the third step of the Anker Methodology®, providing location-specific living wage and living income estimates across a given country, using secondary data analysis and Benchmarks as anchor points to validate results.
The Anker Subnational Estimates Methodology
The Anker Sub-National Estimates is the third step of the Anker Methodology®, addressing Benchmarks’ and Reference Values’ limitation in dealing with country’s variation in living costs. The Subnational Estimates provides location-specific living wage and living income estimates across a given country, using secondary data analysis and Benchmarks as anchor points to validate results. It starts with the most reliable national household data available usually collected by national statistical offices or credible institutions (such as the World Bank) and estimates living income and living wages for the highest level of disaggregation the national data allows for (states, regions, municipalities, etc.), covering the whole country. The estimations are comparable between themselves and with Benchmarks and Reference Values, keeping the consistency and the comparability of all Anker Estimations worldwide.
Martha and Richard Anker, Founders of Anker Research Institute
“Anker Research Institute is now in a position to estimate living wages and living incomes that are comparable within as well as between countries – and we think that this is of great importance for the living wage and living income movements.”
Brazil is the pioneer project of the Anker Sub-National Estimates
Description of the Methodology
Brazil was the pioneer project of the Anker Subnational Estimates, since it is an excellent laboratory for assessing and estimating differences in living costs and living wages, due to both its well-known huge disparities as well as excellent data on intra-country differences. The Brazil Sub-National Estimates Program is a partnership between the Anker Research Institute and the Brazilian Center for Analysis ans Planning (CEBRAP), the ARI affiliate institution in Brazil.
Our Anker Subnational locations
Download published written reports below.
To help fund the public availability of estimates for all Brazilian states or any other Sub-National estimate program, please fill out the form here or contact inquiries@ankerinstitute.org
Reports for 2024
By Sector
How does this work for different countries?
The methodology developed for Brazil is the ARI approach to Sub-National estimates and will be used in other countries, to estimate living income and living wages, albeit slightly adjustments might be necessary. Some countries have different data availability and the extent of regional diversity are taken into consideration when determining sub-national living wage and living income estimates. Nonetheless, the methodological approach provides the main guidelines on how sub-national living wages and living incomes can be estimated in a way that maintains consistency and comparability with other Anker Methodology estimates.
The required steps include:
(i) starting with reliable available national household data usually collected by the national statistical office and/or credible institutions, such as the World Bank and International Labor Organization;
(ii) determining the highest level of geographic disaggregation the national data allows for statistical representativeness;
(iii) determining an appropriate reference family size and number of full-time equivalent workers per family;
(iv) developing a low-cost and palatable nutritious model diet and a minimum acceptable healthy housing standard based on local and international standards;
(v) estimating food costs and housing costs using regional data on food prices and housing costs;
(vi) using credible and robust criteria to define a reference population to estimate decent non-food non-housing costs;
(vii) estimating the total living cost for each region at the highest level of disaggregation by summing the cost for a palatable low-cost nutritious model diet, basic healthy housing, non-food non-housing needs for non-poor households, and something extra for emergencies and sustainability;
(viii) get net and gross living wage values by dividing the living income by the number of full time equivalent workers and then adding payroll deductions and income tax.
Get Involved
We have first started with Brazil, and are currently working on Mexico, India, Ghana and Costa Rica. We plan to extend the Anker Living Income and Living Wage Sub-National Estimates Methodology for many more countries.
To help fund this project, learn more about what country we are focusing on next, or simply to get connected, please fill in the form here.