Ways to support
Support ARI’S mission to end world poverty
No one can solve poverty alone. But by providing workers and employers and buying companies with the information they need to receive or offer a living wage or a living income, we can help changes lives. All workers around the world should be able to afford at least a basic, but decent standard of living. This includes healthy food, potable water, acceptable housing, primary and secondary education, quality health care, transportation, clothing, and other essential needs including provision for unexpected events.
Each of us has a unique and important contribution to make. By taking action in three key areas, you can do your part to stop poverty.
Familiarize yourself with the Anker methodology, and our living wage and income reports.
Research. You can use the Country Index to find the research the ARI has done in countries, or you can browse our research by sector
Join the journey. We recommend you read through the full Anker Benchmark reports. It is crucial to understand the research behind our estimates of the cost of a basic but decent life. Also, understanding the local working conditions and why certain wages should be paid is a big part of the living wage and income journey.
Communicate the importance of living wages and living incomes with others.
Start a conversation. Discuss the subject of living wages and living incomes with your friends, family, and community. It’s important to share your knowledge and experience on fair renumeration, and the cost of a basic, but decent life.
Get your workplace involved. Can you speak with your workplace about what you’ve learned? Whether you are a worker in a company, or you work in supply chains, or represent a company interested in living wage and income, or in academia, or as public policy makers, sharing your knowledge on the Anker Research Institute and our Anker methodology may set in motion change.
Share. If a piece of our work has inspired you and helped in any way. Please help us share by linking our pages to your social media. The more people we can reach the bigger the impact we can make.
Let us know. If you have any case studies or additional resources to suggest please share them with us.
Our work helps to transform lives. But we can’t do it without financial support. As a non-profit institution, philanthropic support is essential for us to continue our pioneering work. We kindly ask, if this research is important to you and you use our work to achieve your own goals please show your appreciation by making a donation.
We are currently setting up our donation page. In the meantime please contact inquires@ankerinstitute.org. than
Everyone can put their learning into action. Whether you work in supply chains or unions, by putting what you’ve learnt from ARI into action in any way will make a huge difference.
Make a change. If you work in supply chains, consider the impact you have. You might negotiate prices at a factory or farm, or encourage quicker delivery dates. Based on what you have learned, can you help make a change?
Donate. Philanthropic support is essential for us to continue our pioneering work. We ask kindly that if you do use our research in your work , please show your appreciation by donating. Find out how you can support us by clicking here

Become a Corporate Sponsor.
Learn more about how you can support by becoming a Corporate Sponsor.