Current Study-

Living Income Benchmark for Rural Central Region in Malawi

ARI is pleased to announce that we are doing an Anker Living Income Benchmark for rural Central Region in Malawi, with a focus on tobacco-growing areas. Malawi is among the poorest countries in the world, with over 70% of the population living in poverty, rising to over 90% in rural Central Region (according to the World Bank). Rural households rely heavily on smallholder farming to earn an income but face low and stagnant returns from agriculture. Tobacco is Malawi’s predominant export crop and tens of thousands of farmers in Rural Central are engaged in tobacco farming. Ensuring a living income for tobacco farmers is therefore an important pathway out of poverty for these farmers and their families.    


The study is being led by Levison Chiwaula, Professor of Economics at the University of Malawi. Sally Smith, Senior Researcher at ARI, is providing specialist support on the Anker Methodology for estimating living income.


For more information, please contact:

Levison Chiwaula:

Sally Smith:


Or fill out the form below

Photographs taken by Sally Smith in Malawi (Jan 2025)