GLWC welcomes ILO’s milestone agreement on living wages

The recent agreement reached by the ILO is a landmark moment for the living wage movement by bringing in governments as key drivers going forward. As Founding members of the GLWC we join our fellow GLWC members to welcome the ILO’s milestone agreement on living wages. Read below our joint statement.

Alignment of the Anker Methodology® with ILO principles for living wage estimation

On 19-23 February 2024, the International Labour Organization (ILO) held a ‘Meeting of Experts’ involving representatives from Governments, Employers and Workers to discuss wage policies including living wages. Conclusions reached during the meeting were endorsed by the ILO’s Governing Body on 13 March 2024. This included agreement on a set of principles that should guide the estimation of a living wage.

Click below to read more on how the Anker Methodology is fully aligned with these new ILO’s principles for living wage estimation.