Frankie Hewitson

Business Development and Communication Lead

Frankie works with Anker Research Institute as Business Development and Communication Lead.

After graduating from Huddersfield University with a BA(Hons) in Fashion Design with Manufacturing, Marketing and Promotion, Frankie started her career as a fashion designer showing at London fashion week. Frankie has worked with luxury and high street designers, brands and suppliers.

After moving to South East Asia, Frankie started working in responsible supply chains and has over 15 years experience working in textile units and factories around the world.

For 10 years Frankie ran her own fashion brand as well as a clothing supplier based in Turkey. She has spoken at events such as Cop26, written reports and been featured in books focused on fashion supply chains, and is a mentor for young entrepreneurs. Frankie now runs a consultancy called The Frank Co where she works with brands and non-profits.


Carmelita Veneroso