Marcelo Delajara

Deputy Director & Senior Researcher

Previous to joining ARI he worked at the Bank of Mexico (2008-2015), where he led the unit of regional economic analysis and was the editor of the quarterly report on regional economies, which he helped design and launch.

Later, during 2015-2022, his research on labor markets and social mobility in Mexico at Centro de Estudios Espinosa Yglesias (CEEY) resulted in the developing a certification standard for firms that promote social mobility and the estimation of living wages for several geographies in Mexico.

During 2017-2018, Marcelo had an opinion video-column on current economic activity in Mexico at Rompeviento TV; the 50 or so videos published were turned into the book: “Mexico, una economía en piloto automático” (CEEY Editorial).

Marcelo has taught macroeconomics and economic growth throughout his career in Spain, Argentina, Ecuador and Mexico. He is currently assistant professor at Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica (CIDE) in Mexico City.


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Koen Voorend