Azfar Khan
Senior Economist & Researcher
Azfar Khan is a former ILO official, having worked with the organization for 23 Years dealing with diverse issues, such as on: the interface of population and labour, socio-economic security, international labour migration and fundamental principles of rights at work (i.e., freedom of association, collective bargaining, child labour and forced labour), both at the HQ and in the field.
Prior to joining the ILO, he was a Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, the Netherlands, where he also served as the Director of the UNFPA Global Programme of Training in Population and Development (1989-1994).
He has written and published widely in the area of social policy, employment and poverty issues, labour migration and on the general interface of demographic and macroeconomic issues.
He holds a B.A (Honours in Economics) and a M.A. (Economics) from McGill University, Montreal, Canada and a Doctor of Philosophy (D. Phil) in Economics and Development Studies from the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom.