Martha Anker
Co- Founder
Martha Anker holds a M.A. in mathematics from the University of Michigan. She is retired after 25 years with the World Health Organization (WHO) where she was an epidemiologist and statistician. After retirement from WHO, she taught in the School of Public Health and Health Sciences in the University of Massachusetts (Amherst).
Richard Anker
Richard Anker holds a PhD in economics from the University of Michigan. He is retired after 30 years with the International Labour Organization (ILO) where he was a senior economist. He is presently a senior research fellow at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) in the University of Massachusetts (Amherst).
Ian Prates
Senior Researcher and Innovation Lead
Research Project Manager at the Anker Research Institute (ARI) and Senior Researcher at the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP). Developed, in partnership with Richard and Martha Anker, the Anker Reference Values Methodology and the Anker Subnational Estimates Methodology, publishing more than 80 living wage studies in more than 50 countries.
Sally Smith
Gender Lead & Senior Researcher
Sally is Gender Lead and Senior Researcher at ARI. She has conducted research in over 25 countries on issues related to poverty, gender, and inequality in global value chains, both in academia and for a range of international and not-for-profit organizations.
Azfar Khan
Senior Economist & Researcher
Azfar Khan is a Senior Economist at the Anker Research Institute. He has worked with ILO and in academia for over 30 years. His major areas of interest are: social policy formulation, employment and poverty issues, labour migration and the general interface of demographic and macroeconomic issues.
Marcelo Delajara
Deputy Director & Senior Researcher
Marcelo is an economist based in Mexico City with two decades of experience in the analysis of economic development. His research has covered children’s health and nutrition, health inequality, poverty measurement, regional economies, labor markets, and social mobility. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
Koen Voorend
Senior Researcher
Koen Voorend is a Dutch researcher for the Anker Research Institute based in Costa Rica. He holds an MA. and a Ph.D. in Development Studies from the International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands. He has worked on Anker research in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Belize, Dominican Republic, and Nigeria.
Carmelita Veneroso
Senior Data Analyst
Brazilian sociologist, data analyst and consultant in social policy evaluation and monitoring research and market research. She currently works as a Senior Data Analyst at the Anker Research Institute and as a Senior Analyst at CEBRAP - Brazil.
Frankie Hewitson
Business Development & Communication Lead
Frankie works with Anker Research Institute as Business Development and Communication Lead.